
Global Dealers Recruiting

品牌起源 Brand origin

NaSaDen於2016年創立品牌後,便以嚴謹的工藝以及獨特質感的外型風靡旅行箱市場。 並在同年度進入美國、日本、中國市場且迅速造成迴響,目前已是多國知名旅遊KOL推薦行李箱品牌之一。

After NaSaDen founded the brand in 2016, it has taken the suitcase market by storm with its rigorous craftsmanship and unique textured appearance. In the same year, it entered the U.S., Japan, and China markets and quickly caused a repercussions. It is now one of the luggage brands recommended by well-known travel KOLs in many countries.

品牌精神Brand spirit

我們不賣行李箱,我們專賣圓夢故事箱。 NaSaDen為知名新興行李箱品牌,品牌精神主要訴求在於夢想實踐始於起步,無論是踏上追求更高成就或是走出舒適圈尋找自我的旅程,圓夢故事箱將忠誠靜默地伴隨左右,見證與記錄一路上的幸福與歡笑。 NaSaDen品牌以嚴謹品質管控為靈魂,因地制宜與各國設計師合作,在地設計為骨,佐以豐富鮮艷極具時尚感之色彩變化為肉,打造出脫俗極具特色之藝術精品,以時尚新星之姿,優雅登場。

We don’t sell suitcases, we specialize in dream story boxes. NaSaDen is a well-known emerging luggage brand. The main appeal of the brand spirit is that the realization of dreams starts from the beginning. Whether you embark on a journey to pursue higher achievements or step out of your comfort zone to find yourself, the Dream Story Box will faithfully and silently accompany you, witness and record Happiness and laughter along the way. NaSaDen brand takes strict quality control as its soul, cooperates with designers from various countries according to local conditions, local design is its bones, and rich, bright and fashionable color changes are its flesh, creating refined and unique artistic boutiques, with the style of a new fashion star. posture, elegant appearance.

品牌推薦 Brand recommendation


Traveling abroad with a brand new and beautiful suitcase will definitely make you feel more comfortable! Consider getting one while there are discounts and free offers for purchases with full purchase! Abao really recommends it, it’s so beautiful and so durable!

Paul與咪咪的株式會社 Paul and Mimi

The suitcase is light, the 29-inch empty box weighs 5 kilograms, reducing the burden and effort! The 360-degree ultra-quiet universal wheels are shock-absorbing and wear-resistant, and are not afraid of going uphill or downhill. Even children can easily push it and go!

楊小黎 Shiauli Yang

認識 德國Nasaden旅行箱很多年了,家裡也有很多個圓夢故事箱,陪著我去看這個美麗的世界。這次的限量聯名款真的很美,讓人心情也亮起來
I have known Nasaden suitcases from Germany for many years, and I also have many dream story boxes at home to accompany me to see this beautiful world. This limited edition joint model is really beautiful and makes people feel brighter.

波痞到底是在幹嘛 Poppy

Because there are zippers on both sides, the volume of the clothes can be compressed smaller, and it will not explode if you put a lot of suitcases. Moreover, it is made of silky material and feels super high-end and expensive. There are many compartments on the inside. layer, you can put some small things.

張棋惠 windienikki

The metal double aluminum tube aluminum alloy pull rod and the 360-degree universal wheel make it smooth and smooth no matter how you push it. The pearlescent texture visual zipper is easy to pull without getting stuck.

短今 Sammie

At first I was attracted by their unique suitcase colors, which make it difficult to get confused whether you are flying or traveling! After receiving the product, I screamed at the top of my lungs! I am so beautiful! The appearance is very high-quality and looks beautiful no matter how you match it!

西蒙拉赫曼 seemon.rahman

We were whisked away to a wonderful trip to Chicago to kick-start the birthday month. I am eternally grateful to have air travel back in my life again.

美國 America

凱西·妮可·瑪吉斯kace_face 1KacieNicoleMargis

有機會的話選擇與 NaSaDen 一起時尚地到達目的地。這款行李箱不僅時尚,而且品質優良、值得信賴。
When you get the chance, choose to arrive in style with NaSaDen. Not only is this luggage stylish, it's also high quality and trustworthy.

義大利 Italy


有時,您在旅行時需要攜帶優質且合適的行李。從 NaSaDen,我們得到了一個漂亮、輕便、耐用且可自由轉動的行李箱。
Sometimes you need that QUALITY and RIGHT luggage to take with you when you travel.
From NaSaDen, we got a beautiful lightweight, durable , andfree-wheeling suitcase.

英國 England


LINE ID: @hgm1962s
電話 Tel: 04-25340226
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黃小姐Ms. Huang


聯繫窗口 Contact Person:
黃小姐Ms. Huang


聯繫窗口 Contact Person:
彭小姐 Ms. Peng